Battered wives
Civil Protection Orders: The Benefits and Limitations for Victims of Domestic Violence, Final Report
Effects of Intimate Partner Violence on Low-Income Women's Health and Employment
Increasing the Proportion of Domestic Violence Arrests that are Prosecuted: A Natural Experiment in Milwaukee
Beyond Frequency and Severity: Development and Validation of the Brief Coercion and Conflict Scales
Failure of Arrest to Deter Spouse Abuse
Neighborhood Disadvantage, Individual Economic Distress and Violence Against Women in Intimate Relationships
Barriers to Domestic Violence Help Seeking: Implications for Intervention
Therapeutic Jurisprudence Approach to the Trial Process in Domestic Violence Felony Trials
Effect of Perceptions of Sanctions on Batterer Program Outcomes
Domestic Violence Prevalence and Effects on Employment in Two California TANF Populations
Resolution of Depression Among Victims of Intimate Partner Violence: Is Cessation of Violence Enough?
Asymptotic Justice: Probation as a Criminal Justice Response to Intimate Partner Violence
Effects of Work on Hitting and Hurting
Children in the Crossfire: Child Custody Determinations Among Couples with a History of Intimate Partner Violence
Family Support and Mental Health in Pregnant Women Experiencing Interpersonal Partner Violence: An Analysis of Ethnic Differences
Contextualizing Depression and Physical Functioning in Battered Women: Adding Vulnerability and Resources to the Analysis
Complex Behavioral Patterns and Trajectories of Domestic Violence Offenders
Effects of Domestic Violence During Pregnancy on Maternal and Infant Health
Influence of Community Violence on the Functioning of Women Experiencing Domestic Violence
Immigration, Domestic Violence, and the Military
Intimate Partner Violence Against Athabaskan Women Residing in Interior Alaska: Results of a Victimization Survey
Domestic Violence Research 15 Years After VAWA
Since the passage of the Violence Against Women Act, a majority of the more than 250 research and evaluation studies funded by NIJ examined domestic violence issues. This research has been collected in the Compendium of Research on Violence Against Women, which includes an abstract of each grant and the results of completed studies.