Alcoholic beverage consumption
Results of a Type 2 Translational Research Trial to Prevent Adolescent Drug Use and Delinquency.
Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis of Human Hair: Predicting Behaviors and Biometrics beyond Dietary Factors
Alcohol, Prescription Drug Misuse, Sexual Violence, and Dating Violence Among High School Youth
Role of Alcohol in the Crimes of Active Heroin Users
Campus Drugs and Sexual Assault
Interview with Christopher Krebs, RTI International
Situational Approaches to Making Communities and Correction Institutions Safer
NIJ Conference panelists will present the results of three studies that applied situational crime prevention (SCP) principles: (1) an evaluation of the Safe City initiative in Chula Vista, Calif., designed to combine the expertise and resources of local law enforcement, retailers and the community to increase the safety of designated retail areas; (2) a randomized controlled trial (in partnership with the Washington Metro Transit Police) that assessed the effectiveness of SCP to reduce car crime in Metro's parking facilities; and (3) an evaluation of the impact of SCP
Campus Drugs and Sexual Assault - Interview at the National Institute of Justice
A mechanism-based forensic investigation into the postmortem redistribution of morphine
Understanding the Effects of Fatigue on Law Enforcement
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