Alcohol-Related Offenses
Assaults in and Around Bars
Changes in the Drinking Age and Crime
Alcohol and Rape: An "Economics-of-Crime" Perspective
Drunk Drivers, DWI "Drug Court" Treatment, and Recidivism: Who Fails?
Role of Alcohol in the Crimes of Active Heroin Users
Role of Drug and Alcohol Abuse in Domestic Violence and Its Treatment: Dade County's Domestic Violence Court Experiment; Final Report
Alcohol, Fear, and Woman Abuse
College Women's Experiences with Physically Forced, Alcohol- or Other Drug-Enabled, and Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault Before and Since Entering College
Crack and Homicide in New York City: A Case Study in the Epidemiology of Violence (From Crack in America: Demon Drugs and Social Justice, P 113-130, 1997, Craig Reinarman and Harry G Levine, eds. - See NCJ-170648)
Effect of Perceptions of Sanctions on Batterer Program Outcomes
Campus Drugs and Sexual Assault - Interview at the National Institute of Justice
Situational Factors and the Victim-Offender Overlap
Examining Police Officer Crime
Based on the research findings, law enforcement officers appear to commit crimes at a much lower rate than the general public. However, in some cases, at times due to the stressors of the job and frequent exposure to trauma and violence, officers engage in misconduct or criminal behavior.
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