The sample consisted of 398 youths who were 72 percent male, 51 percent Anglo, and 41 percent African-American. Interviews were used to obtain data on subjects' backgrounds and experiences. Data on recidivism were obtained from official records of juvenile or adult arrests during the 24 months and 30 months following the first interviews. Separate analyses were performed on the youths' records of arrest for violent felony offenses, property felony offenses, drug felony offenses, and public disorder misdemeanor offenses. Two regression analyses were run for each of these variables. Statistically significant relationships were found between the youths' demographic characteristics (age, race, gender), referral history, reason for placement in the detention center, cocaine use, and recidivism. Implications drawn for social policy include early education and intervention to address youths' drug and mental health problems. 3 tables and 66 references
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