This article discusses laboratory audits conducted by the National Forensic Science Technology Center.
In 2002, the National Forensic Science Technology Center (NFSTC) began providing no-cost DNA program audits to forensic laboratories to enable them to remain eligible to enter data into the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS). These audits are funded through the Office of Justice Programs' National Institute of Justice and include audit documents approved by the FBI, checklists completed in compliance with the National DNA Index System (NDIS) requirements, and three-person review of audit reports prior to issuance. In 2006, NFSTC began offering grant progress assessment (GPA) audits of forensic laboratories conducting DNA analysis. The GPA audits are intended to strengthen NIJ program management and oversight, assist NIJ in performing required grant funding due diligence, educate grantees regarding grant program requirements and special conditions, identify challenges faced by grantees in achieving grant program objectives, identify successful grantee achievements and/or grant programs, provide opportunities to assess the impact of grant funds, and ensure that Federal grant funds are being used for the purpose of achieving the goals and objectives set forth by Congress.
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