Crime laboratories
Connecting Researchers and Forensic Laboratories
Collaboration between researchers and practitioners can improve the relevance and impact of forensic science research. NIJ encourages researchers to seek and partner with forensic science laboratories and other practitioners. Likewise, we encourage practitioners to work with research partners to help guide the relevance of NIJ funded research. These collaborations...
Accurate THC Determinations in Seized Cannabis-derived Finished Products for Forensic Laboratories
Fighting the Uphill War Against Illicit Drugs and Overdose Deaths: Detecting Emerging Designer Drugs and Opioid Analogs
Early warning system helps lessen the harm from the tsunami of illicit drugs flowing into the U.S.
Automation of Sexual Assault DNA Processing Increases Efficiency
New tool for DNA extraction improves workflow without sacrificing quality.
Meet the OJP Science Directors: Nancy La Vigne and Alex Piquero Discuss the Future of Research and Statistics at the 2023 NIJ Research Conference
The directors of the National Institute of Justice and the Bureau of Justice Statistics reflect on where they see the future of research and statistics and take questions from the audience, prioritizing those from student attendees.
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Embodying Evidence to Action: Tracking the Impact of Three Key NIJ Research Investments; Opening Plenary of the 2023 NIJ Research Conference
This plenary featured three significant areas of NIJ research investment that have had a tremendous impact on both the research community and the field of practice: advances in forensic DNA, police body armor standards, and place-based analyses of public safety. Each topic was explored by a collection of people representing the researcher, practitioner, policymaker, and advocacy perspectives, exploring how evidence generation resulted in changes that improved public safety and yielded more equitable criminal justice outcomes.
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Development of Analytical Methods for Measuring Δ9-THC in Cannabis Products
Building More Reliable Forensic Sciences (Part Two)
The scientific basis of several aspects of forensic evidence was first called into question by the 2009 National Research Council report. That report had an immediate impact on law enforcement, crime labs, courtrooms, and the broader scientific community.
Building More Reliable Forensic Sciences (Part One)
Bridging Generational Gaps in the Laboratory
How to Recruit and Retain Quality Employees
It's More Complex Than You Think: A Chief's Guide to DNA
Transparency in Crisis Management
Hair Root Staining – What Can Hematoxylin Do for Your Laboratory?
What Keeps You Awake at Night: Risk, Leading Change, and Challenging Decisions
The Evidence We Leave Behind (Part 2)
Making Sense of DNA Backlogs - Myths vs. Reality
Just Science Podcast: Just FEPAC Accreditation and Forensic Chemistry Programs
National Best Practices for Improving DNA Laboratory Process Efficiency
Best Practices for DNA Laboratory Efficiency
Introduction to the National Best Practices for Improving DNA Laboratory Process Efficiency