NCJ Number
Date Published
January 1997
104 pages
This annual review from the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) indicates crime rates continued to decline in 1996, at least in part due to the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994.
The NIJ continued the accelerated pace of activity set in motion by the 1994 Crime Act and by its growing partnerships with other Federal agencies and private foundations. Significant advances during 1996 included the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods; the Drug Use Forecasting Program; the establishment of the Crime Mapping Research Center; social science research and evaluation agendas related to community policing, violence against women, sentencing and corrections, and drug courts; the development of technologies to detect concealed weapons; a series of lectures on crime and justice; the application of innovative technology to community policing; the prevention of child abuse, elderly abuse, partner violence, sexual violence, and family violence; and computerized information sharing. The annual review discusses new and continuing initiatives in the NIJ's portfolio of research and evaluation investments. Appendixes list awards made in 1996, recent NIJ publications, and partnerships. Endnotes, tables, and figures
Date Published: January 1, 1997