Community policing
FUSE: Fast Unbiased Small-area Estimation for Timely Measurement of Community Perceptions of Policing and Public Safety
Procedural Justice in Jails
Exploring the Impact of Station Dog Programs on Agency Wellness and Community Relationships
Internal Affairs Complaint Investigations: A Multi-Site Comparison
What Works to Reduce Violent Gun Crime in Focused Deterrence Initiatives? Estimating the Effect of Services and Enforcement in Facilitating Desistence Among Prolific Violent Offenders
Evaluation of a Community-focused Violence Intervention and Prevention Program
Embedding Social Work into a Police Department in the South: Understanding the Impact and Cultural Shift of Implementing a Problem-Oriented, Collaborative Policing Model
What works to reduce violent gun crime in focused deterrence initiatives? Estimating the effect of services and enforcement in facilitating desistence among prolific violent offenders in Tampa
Criminal Justice Requirements and Resources Consortium
An evaluation of the SEPTA police SAVE initiative
In search of: Police responses to those experiencing homelessness
Police Response to Civil Disturbances: Understanding Strengths, Challenges, and Organizational Learning through After Action Reports
Improving investigations and community relations through the training of evidence-based interviewing skills in frontline officers
Enhancing Procedural Justness of Encounters Through Substantiation (EPJETS): The Atlantic County Randomized Controlled Trial.
Advancing Understanding, and Informing Prevention of Public Mass Shootings: Findings from NIJ Funded Studies, Part 2
In recent years, NIJ invested in several research projects to advance understanding and inform prevention of public mass shootings.
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Criminal Justice Requirements and Resources Consortium
Multi-Modal Analysis of Body Worn Camera Recordings: Evaluating Novel Methods for Measuring Police Implementation of Procedural Justice
Infusing Community Policing Strategies into Hot Spots Policing Practices: The Impacts on Police-Community Relations in a Mid-Sized City
Criminal Justice Requirements and Resources Consortium
Police Stops, Crime Prevention, and Community Reaction: A Randomized Field Experiment at Violent Crime Hot Spots
Children as Citizens: Engaging Adolescents in Research on Exposure to Violence
Since the adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989, great strides have been made in the areas of child protection and advocacy. However, the concept of children, and specifically adolescents, as functional and engaged citizens has also emerged. Through the guidance and recognition of adults, children can participate in deliberative democracy as legitimate and competent citizens. This citizenship, like that of adults, can be used to enrich and improve local communities by creating a sense of ownership and fairness. Dr.
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From the Academy to Retirement: A Journey Through the Policing Lifecycle
Professor Rosenbaum and a panel of colleagues discuss a study to demonstrate the feasibility of creating a foundation from which to launch studies about multiple aspects of policing using standardized definitions and measurement tools. Their goal is to advance knowledge about policing and translate data into evidence-based best practices that improve training, supervision and accountability systems. The effort is expected to produce a better understanding of what motivates police officers and makes them healthier, happier and more effective.
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Don't Jump the Shark: Understanding Deterrence and Legitimacy in the Architecture of Law Enforcement
Deterrence theory dominates the American understanding of how to regulate criminal behavior but social psychologists' research shows that people comply for reasons that have nothing to do with fear of punishment; they have to do with values, fair procedures and how people connect with one another. Professor Meares discussed the relevance of social psychologists' emerging theory to legal theory and practice and how deterrence and emerging social psychology theories intertwine.
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