NCJ Number
Date Published
July 1999
231 pages
Publication Series
This document contains proceedings from Policing Research Institute meetings of November 28, 1995, May 13, 1996 and December 4, 1996.
Each of the three meetings focused on a particular set of topics: (1) how to measure the amount of crime, disorder, and fear, and their effects on the quality of community life; should police activities affect the measures of crime, disorder, and fear, and how will the public know if they have? (2) police constituencies' expectations and what police could expect of different constituencies in a partnership; and (3) indexes and instruments that police agencies might consider to assess organizational competence, skill in the use of force, and integrity. Fifteen papers were delivered at the meetings on various topics, including measuring crime, constituency building and urban community policing, public views on crime, the police as an agency of municipal government, the media and public attitudes and cheap ways of measuring what really matters. References, notes, figures, appendix
Date Published: July 1, 1999
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