Child-Friendly Visits in Jail
Enhancing Risk-Need-Responsivity Implementation: An Evidence-based System for Case Management Support
Leisure Risk for Youth on Probation: How it Relates to Recidivism and How Probation Officers Address it in Case Planning
A Statewide Assessment of the Impact of Virtual Check-Ins for Community Supervision
More than a 'McJob': Criminal records, education, and access to middle-skill jobs
Quasi-experimental evaluation of contraband interdiction technologies
Building the Capacity of Community-Facing Agencies to Implement Evidence-Based Practices
Supporting Women’s Reentry from Incarceration: A Discussion of Promising Practices and Opportunities for Future Research
NIJ FY24 Research and Evaluation on Corrections
With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals for rigorous applied research and evaluative studies on innovations, initiatives, and strategies in both institutional and community corrections. Specifically, NIJ is seeking rigorous evaluations on promising strategies, programs, and interventions that improve correctional culture and climate; enhance officer wellness, reduce stress, and increase retention; deploy technologies designed to promote safety, security, and positive post-release and supervision outcomes for individuals...
Evaluation of Culture and Climate Effects in the Virginia Department of Corrections Cognitive Communities
Procedural Justice in Jails
Examining the Impacts of Body-Worn Cameras on Correctional Culture, Climate, and the Well-Being of Staff and Incarcerated Persons
Climate, Culture, and Correction Officer Wellness
Standards and Conformity Assessment for Criminal Justice Restraints
Restraints are critical pieces of equipment carried by law enforcement, corrections, and court officers. To help ensure that restraints meet minimal requirements, the National Institute of Justice published NIJ Standard 1001.00, Criminal Justice Restraints (pdf, 66 pages) in 2014 and Revision A in 2019 (pdf, 62 pages).[1]
Standard 1001.00 specifies the minimum requirements for form and fit, performance, testing, documentation, and labeling of...
Stab Resistance of Personal Body Armor, NIJ Standard-0115.00
The purpose of this standard is to establish minimum performance requirements and methods of test for the stab resistance of personal body armor intended to protect the torso against slash and stab threats. This standard is based on technical work performed by many organizations: in the United Kingdom by the Police Scientific Development Branch, and...