This study evaluated Judicial Oversight Demonstration (JOD) which included both process and impact evaluations.
In 1999, the Violence Against Women’s Office awarded funds for the Judicial Oversight Demonstration (JOD) to three communities to integrate enhanced judicial oversight into existing coordinated responses to intimate partner violence; the communities were Dorchester, MA; Milwaukee, WI; and Washtenaw County, MI. All three JOD sites had a history of interagency collaboration to meet the needs of domestic violence victims. JOD represented an extension of existing services in these communities undertaken to add to existing service gaps, and bring the courts into a more active role in the community response to intimate partner violence. The demonstration’s goals included: enhancement of victim safety, access to victim services, and increased offender accountability. The general approach to planning and managing JOD is similar across the three sites; the strategies and services at each site are described and examined to identify practices and principles of implementation for use by other jurisdictions that wish to pursue JOD goals. The report was organized around the JOD major goals of building a network of partner agencies, enhancing offender accountability, and responding to the needs of victims on criminal and civil intimate partner violence cases. Within the sections, the report documents JOD accomplishments summarized in exhibits that list activities in solutions, compares experiences across sites, and draws lessons for policymakers and practitioners. The findings are based on conference calls, site visits, observations of JOD operations, and reports submitted by the sites. Detailed lessons on implementation of the initiative and strategies are included. Exhibits, appendix
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