This solicitation seeks applications for funding to conduct research to
- Examine the root causes of school violence.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of the approaches to stopping school violence found in the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) and the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) FY 2018 or FY 2019 STOP School Violence Act solicitations.
- Research on the perspectives of STOP School Violence Act solicitations.
Number of Awards: 7
Total Amount Awarded: $5,593,109
An Evaluation of a Statewide Approach to the Prevention and Intervention of Violence using School Threat Assessment Teams
Cross-Site Analysis and Case Study of STOP Program Grantee Perspectives on Violence Prevention and Mental Health Training Program Implementation
Investigating Root Causes of School Violence: A Case Control Study of School Violent Offenders, Non-School Youth Violence Offenders, and Non-Offending Youths
Research and Evaluation on School Safety: An Evaluation of State School Safety Centers
Root Causes of Bias-based Harassment in Schools: Risk and Protective Factors across Multiple Levels of the Social Ecology
Statewide Implementation of School Threat Assessment in Florida
Violence against Teachers in the 50 Largest U.S. School Districts: Predictors, Consequences, and School Responses
Formatting on page 8 of the solicitation was revised to indicate that all applications proposing research involving partnerships must include a strong letter of support, signed by an appropriate decision-making authority from each proposed partnering agency. See pages 8-9 of the attached solicitation document for additional information.