Number of Awards: 5
Total Amount Awarded: $3,706,718
An Evaluation of a Statewide Approach to the Prevention and Intervention of Violence using School Threat Assessment Teams
Cross-Site Analysis and Case Study of STOP Program Grantee Perspectives on Violence Prevention and Mental Health Training Program Implementation
Investigating Root Causes of School Violence: A Case Control Study of School Violent Offenders, Non-School Youth Violence Offenders, and Non-Offending Youths
Research and Evaluation on School Safety: An Evaluation of State School Safety Centers
Violence against Teachers in the 50 Largest U.S. School Districts: Predictors, Consequences, and School Responses
Formatting on page 8 of the solicitation was revised to indicate that all applications proposing research involving partnerships must include a strong letter of support, signed by an appropriate decision-making authority from each proposed partnering agency. See pages 8-9 of the attached solicitation document for additional information.