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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Awards: Listing of Funded Projects

Every year, NIJ awards grants and cooperative agreements for research, development, evaluation, testing and training and technical assistance projects across the spectrum of criminal justice.
Showing Results For:
State: NY,
City: New York

Number of Awards: 142
Total Amount Awarded: $84,572,692

Funded Awards
FY Sort ascending Title Original Solicitation Recipient State Award Number Amount Status
2005 Smart Notification as a Tool for Improving and Accelerating DNA-Related Outcomes Information Led Policing Full Applications New York City Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice NY 2005-JP-FX-K011 $500,000 Closed
2005 Stalking Victim's Journey: Offender Patterns, Victim Help-Seeking and the Criminal Justice Response Violence Against Women Research & Evaluation Full Applications Safe Horizon NY 2005-WG-BX-0007 $277,807 Closed
2005 The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in New York City: A Population Assesment and Participatory Project Evaluation Evaluation of OJJDP's Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children Fund For The City of New York NY 2005-LX-FX-0001 $500,000 Closed
2004 A MULTISTATE ANALYSIS OF TIME CONSUMPTION IN CAPITAL APPEALS Visiting Fellowship Program City University of New York NY 2004-IJ-CX-0005 $85,530 Closed
2004 A program in counter-terrorism preparedness for international and domestic police forces and research at the Center on Terrorism at John Jay College National Institute of Justice Congressionally Directed Awards - Office of Research and Evaluation Research Foundation of CUNY NY 2004-DB-BX-1010 $247,369 Closed
2004 Center on Law and Security National Institute of Justice Congressionally Directed Awards - Office of Research and Evaluation New York University NY 2004-DD-BX-1012 $1,484,216 Closed
2004 Court Responses to Batterer Program Noncompliance: A National Perspective Justice Response to Repeat Victimization in Cases of Violence Against Women Fund For The City of New York NY 2004-WG-BX-0005 $142,631 Closed
2004 Domestic Violence Digital Evidence National Institute of Justice Congressionally Directed Awards - Office of Science and Technology New York City Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice NY 2004-RG-CX-K005 $397,400 Closed
2004 Examining the Effect of Different Case Screening Practices Upon Domestic Violence Recidivism Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence Safe Horizon NY 2004-WG-BX-0009 $343,731 Closed
2004 John Doe Indictment Project National Institute of Justice Congressionally Directed Awards - Office of Science and Technology New York City NY 2004-RC-CX-K014 $347,725 Closed
2004 Laboratory Enhancement National Institute of Justice Congressionally Directed Awards - Office of Science and Technology New York City NY 2004-LT-BX-K013 $993,500 Closed
2004 The Impact of Information Security in Academic Institutions on Safety and Security: Assessing the issues and developing solutions for policy and practice Solicitation for Crime and Justice Research Teachers College Columbia U NY 2004-IJ-CX-0045 $205,876 Closed
2003 Integrating Fatherhood Into Batterer's Programs: A Comparati CONTINUATION OF NATIONAL DRUG COURT EVALUATION Safe Horizon NY 2003-WG-BX-1005 $314,346 Closed
2002 Intimate Partner Violence During Visitation: A Longitudinal Study of Supervised and Unsurpervised Access The Impact of Economic, Political, and Social Variables Safe Horizon NY 2002-WG-BX-0012 $198,946 Closed
2002 New York University Center for Catastrophe Preparedness Response Paul Coverdell National Forensic Sciences Improvement Act Grant - FY2002 New York University NY 2002-DT-CX-K002 $7,000,000 Closed
2001 Testing the Impact of Court Monitoring and Batterer Intervention Program Process Evaluations in Four Tribal Drug Courts Fund For The City of New York NY 2001-WT-BX-0506 $294,129 Closed
1998 Estimating the Population at Risk for Violence During Child Visitation Using a High Definition GIS to Enhance Community Policing on College Campuses Safe Horizon NY 1998-IJ-CX-0021 $44,797 Closed