The IACP will continue their current work to support LEADS Scholars through their Annual Conference (scheduled for October 2019). The IACP is ideally situated to provide LEADS Scholars with connectivity to the larger policing community and provide the professional development essential to the success of the LEADS program.
Specifically, IACP will: Continue to host and facilitate the LEADS Community of Practice through the Higher Logic Platform, as well as develop and maintain a compendium of scholar projects, skills, and research interests (through Higher Logic); Continue to integrate LEADS Scholars in existing IACP efforts and opportunities, such as the Research Advisory Committee (RAC) and the newly developed IACP research section; Continue to explore the utility and possible implementation of a mentorship program between new Scholars and alumni; Oversee LEADS professional development activities, including connectivity with existing IACP training, development, and delivery of novel LEADS-focused training, connectivity with other relevant resources, integration into the IACP Research Section, and development of a professional development panel for the LEADS Summer session.
Note: This project contains a research and/or development component, as defined in applicable law, and complies with Part 200 Uniform Requirements - 2 CFR 200.210(a)(14). NCA/NCF