Award Information
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2004, $350,000)
This project will improve the Ring Airfoil Projectile launcher and cartridge subsystems as follows:
The launcher subsystem, composed of the frame, magazine, cartridge transport mechanism, barrel, and sabot stop and eject mechanism (SSE) must be engineered to decrease weight and while increasing manufacturability, reliability, range, and accuracy of impact location. Elements to concentrate on in pursuit of these goals are:
Develop CAD drawings of the components to the launcher subsystem and redesign them in light of background gained to-date. A significant part of this effort would be the redesign of the SSE, and to redesign the launcher and magazine to reduce weight and increase ergonomics.
To develop capacity to cut true saw-tooth rifling in wear-resistant steel or Ti barrels, as needed to engrave, and so induce spin, to sabots having limited compressive hoop strength.
The cartridge subsystem is composed of the cartridge case, hi-lo chamber, blank charge, sabot, and sabot cover. The subsystem is to be engineered to decrease weight and increase reliability, damage resistance, velocity dispersion, and impact dispersion. Specific efforts to be made are:
To develop CAD drawings of the cartridge case, redesign the case to be made of plastic and fabricate it of high impact nylon.
To redesign the sabot for greater engraving pressure and for better engagement with an SSE ejection finger.
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