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Compliant Products List: Ballistic Resistant Body Armor

Find Body Armor Compliant with NIJ Standard 0101.06

NIJ has released an update to the ballistic resistant body armor standard along with the a new specification for NIJ ballistic protection levels and associated test threats. Here is what you need to know.

Most importantly, keep wearing the armor you have now. NIJ will continue to maintain its current list of armor that has already been certified to the previous standard for several years, so that manufacturers and agencies can transition to armor that meets the new standard. Given the large number of ballistic-resistant vests currently worn by law enforcement officers, the NIJ Compliance Testing Program anticipates maintaining the 0101.06 Compliant Products List through at least the end of calendar year 2027.

In early 2024, the NIJ Compliance Testing Program will stop accepting new armor models for testing under the old version of the standard. Behind the scenes, the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) will use NIJ Standard 0101.07 to accredit ballistics laboratories and, in spring 2024, the program will begin testing, evaluation, and certification of ballistic-resistant body armor to the updated standard. Law enforcement agencies should expect to see body armor certified by NIJ to the 0101.07 standard sometime in late 2024 or early 2025.

NIJ certifies torso-worn ballistic resistant body armor for law enforcement  that complies with the requirements the NIJ Compliance Testing Program (NIJ CTP). The following table presents the list of compliant ballistic-resistant body armor. (Find compliant stab resistant and combo armor.)

Note that NIJ has never tested nor certified ballistic items, such as backpacks, blankets, or briefcases, other than body armor for law enforcement. See DOJ Statement on Claims of NIJ Certification of Ballistic Backpacks.

Are you a criminal justice practitioner or agency representative? Visit PoliceArmor.org for information on body armor selection, use and maintenance; and remember to look for the NIJ mark.

Are you a product manufacturer? Learn about participating in the NIJ CTP