Survival Analysis
Youth Trauma Experiences and the Path From Child Welfare to Juvenile Justice
Identifying Areas of Specific Responsivity in Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Outcomes
Predictive Validity of Lifestyle Impulsivity for Rapists
Impact of California Firearms Sales Laws and Dealer Regulations on the Illegal Diversion of Guns
The Experiences of Men with Substance Use Disorders Exiting Prison at the Height of the Opioid Crisis
What Works in Offender Supervision
This NIJ Conference Panel highlights findings from NIJ projects that evaluated strategies to enhance the supervision of offenders in the community. Researchers discuss the effectiveness of fair, swift and certain sanctions for high-risk probationers in the Hawaii HOPE program. Panelists also provide empirical evidence on the effectiveness of electronic monitoring — including the use of GPS tracking — for medium- and high-risk offenders on supervision and upon completion of their supervision sentence.