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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.


Crime Scene Analysis

Event Dates
Event Type
Registration Status
Not Required

Coroner Liaison

Event Dates
Event Type
Registration Status
Not Required

NIJ FY 13 Evaluation of Police and Technology in Schools

Closing Date

NIJ seeks proposals for research to evaluate the use of police and technology in schools. The proposed research should be comprehensive and include assessment of aspects such as school ecology, culture, climate, and social capital in addition to outcomes and other impacts. Logic models should be provided and include assessment of implementation processes and outputs and proximal and distal outcomes. A cost-benefit component should be...

Post-Award Requirements for Research, Development, and Evaluation Grants

This page is meant as a guide for applicants and award recipients to what is required of NIJ award recipients after an award is made. Award recipients should consult their specific award conditions for additional information. For questions about how these requirements pertain to your specific award, contact your NIJ grant manager.

Standard Forms

All award recipients must submit quarterly financial reports. See the DOJ...

How Collaboration Between Researchers and Police Chiefs Can Improve the Quality of Sexual Assault Investigations: A Look at Los Angeles

June 2011

Panelists discuss the application of research findings from an NIJ-sponsored study of sexual assault attrition to police practice in Los Angeles. There are three main focal points: (1) the mutual benefits of researcher/practitioner partnerships, (2) the implications of variation in police interpretation of UCR guidelines specific to clearing sexual assault (with an emphasis on cases involving nonstrangers), and (3) the content of specialized training that must be required for patrol officers and detectives who respond to and investigate sex crimes.