State police
A Universal Method for the Detection of Gunshot Residue using Vibrational Spectroscopy
Validating the ASB 122: Best Practice Recommendation for Performing Alcohol Calculations in Forensic Toxicology
Intelligence-Led Policing in New Jersey: Data Integration to Support the Investigation of Gun Crimes
The Increased Value of Forensic Science to Lead Gun Crime Investigations Part II
The Increased Value of Forensic Science to Lead Gun Crime Investigations Part I
We Did It! You can too! An Inside Perspective to Implementing Standards on the OSAC Registry
NIJ Announces $1.9M to Fund Research in Public Forensic Laboratories in 2023
On September 26, 2023, NIJ announced $1.9 million in funding to support five new projects under its Research and Evaluation for the Testing and Interpretation of Physical Evidence in Publicly Funded Forensic Laboratories (Public Labs R&E) program. Through its forensic science research funding, NIJ continues to improve the examination and interpretation of physical evidence across the community of practice through identification of the most efficient...
Accurate THC Determinations in Seized Cannabis-derived Finished Products for Forensic Laboratories
Strengthening Scientific Foundations for Advancing Best Practices in the Collection, Storage, Analysis, and Interpretation of Organic and Inorganic Gunshot Residues
Direct Analysis in Real Time Mass Spectrometry (DART-MS) for Seized Drug Analysis
The Hidden Costs of Reentry: Understanding the Barriers to Removing a Criminal Record
NIJ hosted a webinar to discuss under-researched aspects of reentry: expungement of criminal records and the impact of those records. This webinar includes a presentation of ongoing research projects examining the impact of legal aid for expungement and past research projects studying the accuracy and permanency of criminal records and the prevalence of collateral consequences of conviction. A Q&A session will conclude this webinar.
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Accurate THC Determinations in Seized Cannabis-derived Finished Products for Forensic Laboratories
Multilevel Evaluation of Project Safe Neighborhoods
Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) is a DOJ-sponsored initiative to reduce violent crime, particularly gun crime, by fostering cooperation by criminal justice agencies and local partners to develop and implement strategic approaches.
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A Universal Method for the Detection of Organic and Inorganic Gunshot Residue based on Fast Fluorescence Mapping and Raman Spectroscopic Identification
FY 2021 MDSP - Expanding Targeted Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) Capabilities for Controlled Substance Analysis
A Process and Impact Evaluation of Illinois' Policy to Eliminate Cash Bail and Reform Pretrial Practices
Virtual Workshop: A Discussion on Research and a Multidisciplinary Response to Sexual Assault
Sexual Assault Kit Evidence Tracking: The Idaho State Police Forensic Services Experience
Accurate THC Determinations in Seized Cannabis Samples for Forensic Laboratories
Augmenting, Analyzing, and Archiving Criminal Trajectories in Four Birth Cohorts from the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods, 1995-2023
Understanding the potential for Multidisciplinary Threat Assessment Teams to prevent terrorism: Conducting a formative evaluation of the MassBay Threat Assessment Team
Reducing Gun Violence through Integrated Forensic Evidence Collection, Analysis and Sharing
Try Again, Fail Again, Fail Better: Lessons from Community Courts
Change doesn't come easy, particularly within an institution as large and complex as the criminal justice system. Greg Berman, Director of the Center for Court Innovation, offered lessons from several efforts to make reform stick in criminal justice settings. In particular, he focused on the development of community courts — experimental court projects that are attempting to reduce both crime and incarceration in dozens of cities across the U.S. and around the world.
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Opening the Black Box of NIBIN
Bill King discusses the operations of the National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN), a program through which firearms examiners at state and local crime laboratories compare tool marks on fired bullets or cartridges found at a crime scene to digitized images of ballistic evidence in a nationwide database.
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