Services for Victims of Human Trafficking
Recommendations for Practitioners Evaluation of the Enhanced Collaborative Model Task Forces to Combat Human Trafficking
Evaluability Assessment of a Metropolitan Network Service Delivery Model to Connect Trafficked Persons with a Full Range of Victim Services, Final Research Report
Safe harbor law: pre- to post-implementation change in service providers' knowledge and response to sex trafficking of minors
Prosecuting Trafficking in Persons Cases: An Analysis of Local Strategies and Approaches, Final Report
Evaluation of the Enhanced Collaborative Model to Combat Human Trafficking, Technical Report
The Fight Against Human Trafficking
Evaluating Services for Young Victims of Human Trafficking
Evaluation of Services for Domestic Minor Victims of Human Trafficking
Improving Human Trafficking Victim Identification-Validation and Dissemination of a Screening Tool
Screening for Human Trafficking: Guidelines for Administering the Trafficking Victim Identification Tool (TVIT)
Evaluation of OVC FY09 Services for Domestic Minor Victims of Human Trafficking
NIJ FY 09 Evaluation of OVC's FY 09 Services for Domestic Minor Victims of Human Trafficking
NIJ seeks proposals to conduct an evaluation of human trafficking demonstration programs that will be funded by the Office for Victims of Crimes (OVC) under a concurrent FY09 solicitation. Specifically, the successful grantee will conduct a participatory process evaluation of two OVC demonstration programs that will be chosen based on their promising strategies to deliver a comprehensive array of services to child victims (i.e., under...