Characterization of Weapons Used in Stab/Slash Attacks
Developmental Validation of a High-Specificity Multiplex Assay for Human Body Fluid Identification
Advanced Research in Microspectrophotometry of Fibers: Analysis and Interpretation
Community Policing Strategies To Counter Violent Extremism
Game Change: How Researcher-Practitioner Partnerships Are Redefining How We Study Crime
Opening Plenary Panel
When researchers and practitioners work side by side, they can maximize their problem-solving abilities. The research partner can focus on the data and the science; the practitioner can focus on interpreting the findings and applying them in the field. In the plenary panel, panelists described the benefits, challenges and pitfalls of researcher-practitioner partnerships with a focus on the financial benefits to the practitioner.
Moderator: John H. Laub, Director, National Institute of Justice
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Protecting our Protectors: Using Science to Improve Officer Safety and Wellness
Each year, 100-200 law enforcement officers die in the line of duty. Last year, 177 lost their lives — a 16-percent increase from 2010. As Attorney General Eric Holder noted, this is a devastating and unacceptable trend. NIJ has developed a robust research portfolio to improve officer safety and wellness and, ultimately, save lives. This panel discussed some of NIJ's most promising work to reduce shooting and traffic-related fatalities — consistently the leading causes of officer line-of-duty deaths — and improve officer wellness, which is inextricably linked with officer safety.
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Improving Trafficking Victim Identification: Evaluation and Dissemination of a Screening Tool
Research on Violence and Victimization Across the Life Span, Special Topic: Offender Interventions: Why offenders desist from intimate partner violence
Research Validity and Integrity
Scientific & Research Integrity Policy
The DOJ Scientific Integrity Policy underscores the validity and objectivity of NIJ’s scientific endeavors.
The Institute provides objective and independent knowledge and tools to enhance safety and promote justice. NIJ follows widely accepted scientific processes and procedures to help ensure the validity and integrity of our research. This page describes:
A Proposal for Social Science Research on Wrongful Conviction
The Detroit Sexual Assault Kit (SAK) Action Research Project
NIJ's Fellowship and Student Programs
NIJ sponsors fellowship programs to strengthen and broaden the pool of researchers looking at the issues of crime and justice by:
- Providing talented researchers — who hold a terminal degree in any academic discipline and are early in their career — with an opportunity to elevate their independently generated research and ideas to the level of national...