Services for Victims of Intimate Partner Violence: Encouraging Stronger Research Methods to Produce More Valid Results
Using rigorous research methods like randomized controlled trials can help increase confidence in evaluation findings.
Building Young Researchers in the Trenches
Core Support for the Committee on Law and Justice
Establishing a National Institute of Justice Research, Test, and Evaluation Center:Continuation
Implementing, Disseminating and Translating Evidence-Based Policy/Practice in Community Corrections
Use of Research Evidence within Domestic Violence-Serving Organizations
NIJ Research Assistantship Program 2014-15
SSBT CoE Contactless Finger Print Technologies Assessment Version 2 (Part B)
Initiative To Develop and Test Guidelines for Juvenile Drug Courts
Evaluation of a Service Provision Program for Victims of Sex Trafficking
The Epidemiology of Crime Guns
Policing predicted crime areas: An operationally-realistic randomized, controlled field experiment
Post Coital DNA Recovery in Minority Couples
Empirical Assessment of Domestic Disengagement and Deradicalization (EAD3)
Application for the Translational Criminology Research Fellowship
Preparing, Archiving, and Accessing NIJ Data at NACJD
Adult Age Estimated From New Skeletal Traits And Enhanced Computer-Based Transition Analysis
Post-Blast Investigative Tools for Structural Forensics by 3D Scene Reconstruction and Advanced Simulation
The Effect of Prior Police Contact on Victimization Reporting: Results from the Police Public Contact and National Crime Victimization Surveys
Translational Criminology: Research and Public Policy
NIJ FY 14 Social Science Research on Implementation, Dissemination, and Translation FY 2014
NIJ seeks proposals for funding for research and a research fellowship to examine how scholarly research influences criminal justice implementation practices through dissemination and translation. NIJ proposes two distinct research activities under this solicitation:
- Incorporating the Use of Research in Policy Decisions: NIJ seeks to support up to five case studies on incorporating the use of research evidence into criminal justice practice and policy decisions.
- A...
Houston Creates a Hotline, Hires Justice Advocate to Help Solve Sexual Assaults
Watch Caitlin Sulley discuss how action-research team in Houston went about making the action-research project investigating unsubmitted sexual assault kits in Houston as victim-oriented as possible. Ms. Sulley talks about the creation of a hotline for sexual assault victims to call and the police department's hiring of a justice advocate.
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