Reference materials
TECHBeat, Winter 2010
Psychology of Terrorism
Forensic Surface Metrology: Tool Mark Evidence
El Libro de Referencia de las Huellas Dactilares, Prefacio
El Libro de Referencia de las Huellas Dactilares, Contenidos
National Footwear Database Evaluation
Development of NGS (next generation sequencing) nomenclature framework
Emerging Drug Threats
Emerging Drug Threats
Determination of Material Property Input for Fire Modeling
Primer on Body-Worn Cameras for Law Enforcement
Second National Ballistics Imaging Comparison (NBIC-2)
Roadmap Leads to Increased Efficiency, Improved Function in Forensics Labs
Project Identification - A Study of Handguns Used in Crime
Evidence-Based Policing in 45 Small Bytes
Improving National Laboratory Capability and Capacity to Measure Human Exposure to Synthetic Opioids
Validation of a Single Instrument, Single Sample Protocol for the Detection of the Inorganicand Organic Constituents of Firearms Discharge Residue
NIJ Journal Issue No. 237
Special Technical Committees: How They Are Changing NIJ's Standards Development Process
NIJ has established a new standards development process based on Special Technical Committees whose members include practitioners, scientists, researchers, subject matter experts, staff of test laboratories and major criminal justice stakeholder organizations, and representatives knowledgeable in standards development and conformity assessment. The members collaborate to develop the standard and ensure that practitioner needs are addressed.