Risk Factors for Injury in Law Enforcement Officer Vehicle Crashes
Studying How to Maneuver Suspects to a Stop
National Survey of Pursuits and the Use of Police Force: Data From Law Enforcement Agencies
High-Speed Pursuit: New Technologies Around the Corner
Police Pursuits and the Use of Force: Recognizing and Managing "The Pucker Factor"; A Research Note
Case Study of a GPS Tracking Tool Designed to Aid in Police Vehicle Pursuits
2015 Pursuit Rated Winter Tire Performance Evaluation
Pursuit Technology Impact Assessment, Version 1.1
Police Pursuits in an Age of Innovation and Reform
Pursuit Management: Fleeing Vehicle Tagging and Tracking Technology
NIJ FY 13 Evaluating the Efficacy of Lighting, Marking, and Paint Schemes in Reducing the Incidence of Law Enforcement Vehicle Crashes
NIJ seeks proposals to conduct evaluations of the impact of alternative lighting, markings, and painting schemes for law enforcement vehicles on the incidence of traffic accidents involving law enforcement vehicles. NIJ is also interested in determining how these schemes may otherwise affect law enforcement operations.