Public policy
Intelligence-Led Policing in New Jersey: Data Integration to Support the Investigation of Gun Crimes
Improving Measurement of Community Safety Perceptions with Enhanced Data Inclusivity and Novel Use of Small Area Estimation through Respondent Driven Sampling: A Pilot Study in Detroit, Michigan
Research, Evaluation, and Analysis of Call Handling on Three-Digit Hotlines (REACH-3D)
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science & Technology Policy Fellowships 2024-25
Policing Leadership and Accountability: Harnessing Big Data and Causal Inference for Evaluating Police Reform Practices
Extreme Risk Protection Orders, Leakage, and Social Networks: The Legislative, Behavioral, and Social Contexts Surrounding Mass Public Shooting Incidents and Plots
Funding Support for the Operations of the Committee on Law and Justice of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Domestic Terrorism Targeting America’s Political Elites
AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships
Economic Justice for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
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AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships
Human Trafficking Project
Funding Support for the Operations of the Committee on Law and Justice of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
NIJ-Funded Research on Mass Shootings to Advance Evidence-Based Policy and Practice
Mass public shootings continue to threaten communities in the United States, yet research on this criminal phenomenon is limited. In this full thematic panel, renowned experts will present a series of research projects summarizing NIJ-funded research projects’ newest findings on public mass shootings. The discussion will focus on NIJ’s investment to address the phenomenon of mass shootings through innovative study approaches to advance our understanding of mass shootings and inform prevention efforts. The implications of this research to criminal justice will also be discussed.
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• Title: Juvenile Justice Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic
AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships
NIJ-Funded Research on Mass Shootings to Advance Evidence-based Policy and Practice
Data Systems Imperative in 21st Century Forensic Services
Advancing Understanding, and Informing Prevention of Public Mass Shootings: Findings from NIJ Funded Studies, Part 2
In recent years, NIJ invested in several research projects to advance understanding and inform prevention of public mass shootings.
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Advancing Understanding, and Informing Prevention of Public Mass Shootings: Findings from NIJ Funded Studies, Part 1
In recent years, NIJ invested in several research projects to advance understanding and inform prevention of public mass shootings.
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AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships
Forensic Epidemiology: Monitoring Fatal Drug Overdose Trends
Campus Sexual Assault Responses (CSAR): Informing Trauma-Informed Policies, Protocols, and Training
State Responses to Mass Incarceration
Researchers have devoted considerable attention to mass incarceration, specifically its magnitude, costs, and collateral consequences. In the face of economic constraints, strategies to reduce correctional populations while maintaining public safety are becoming a fiscal necessity. This panel will present strategies that states have undertaken to reduce incarceration rates while balancing taxpayer costs with ensuring public safety.
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