Program abuse
Process Evaluation of the Multnomah County Drug Testing and Evaluation Program
Heroin Use Among Southern Arrestees: Regional Findings From the Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring Program
Testing a Court-Mandated Treatment Program for Domestic Violence Offenders: The Broward Experiment (From Violence Against Women and Family Violence: Developments in Research, Practice, and Policy, 2004, Bonnie Fisher, ed. -- See NCJ-199701)
Policing Physicians - Practitioner Fraud and Abuse in a Government Medical Program
Real-Time Crime Forecasting Challenge Webinar
This webinar will offer a brief overview of the National Institute of Justice and the data science needs of the criminal justice field. In addition, it will provide details about the Crime Forecasting Challenge, including who can submit, how to retrieve datasets, and the submission categories. The overall goal of the Crime Forecasting Challenge is to harness recent advances in data science to drive innovation in algorithms that advance place-based crime forecasting.
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Solutions in Corrections: Using Evidence-based Knowledge
Professor Ed Latessa describes how his team and he assessed more than 550 programs and saw the best and the worst. Professor Latessa shared his lessons learned and examples of states that are trying to use evidence-based knowledge to improve correctional programs.
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What Works in Reentry
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