Pretrial release
Informing the Use of GPS Monitoring in Pretrial Probationary Supervision: A Process and Impact Assessment
Promising Practices from Victims Services Providers’ COVID-19 Response: Protecting Victims and Those Who Serve Them
Determinants of Charge Reductions and Final Dispositions in Cases of Burglary and Robbery
Comparative Analysis of Three Electronically Monitored Home Detention Programs
Effectiveness of Supervised Pretrial Release
Drug Tests and the Prediction of Pretrial Misconduct: Findings and Policy Issues
Pretrial Urine-testing in the District of Columbia: Its Usefulness for Risk Classification and as a "Signaling Device" for Release Risk
Criminal Justice Responses to Crack
Evaluation of the Impact of Systemwide Drug Testing in Multnomah County, Oregon
Drug Testing and Pretrial Misconduct: An Experiment on the Specific Deterrent Effects of Drug Monitoring Defendants on Pretrial Release
Pretrial Drug Testing and Defendant Risk
Process Evaluation of the Multnomah County Drug Testing and Evaluation Program
Hair Analysis for the Detection of Drug Use in Pretrial, Probation, and Parole Populations
Drug Use and Pretrial Misconduct in New York City
Changing the Behavior of Drug-Involved Offenders: Supervision That Works
A small number of those who commit crimes are heavily involved in drugs commit a large portion of the crime in this country. An evaluation of a "smart supervision" effort in Hawaii that uses swift and certain sanctioning showed that individuals committing crimes who are heavily involved in drug use can indeed change their behavior when the supervision is properly implemented.
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Reforming New Orleans' Criminal Justice System: The Role of Data and Research
With its criminal justice system in disarray following Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans invited the Vera Institute of Justice to examine the city's court and jail operations. For five years, Vera has been tracking arrest-to-first-appearance time, custodial arrests versus summonses, the granting of pretrial release, and many other decision-making points. Based on analysis of these data, Vera is making policy recommendations to assist with the implementation of new procedures and to ensure performance monitoring.
Crime File: Out on Bail
This video, number 5 in the Crime File series, portrays a 3-member panel discussing the rate of rearrests among persons on pretrial release, features of the 1984 Federal bail law designed to prevent the pretrial release of dangerous persons, ways to reduce rearrests of pretrial releasees, and constitutional issues raised by preventive detention.
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