Debating the Evolution of American Policing: An Edited Transcript to Accompany 'The Evolving Strategy of Policing'
Evolving Strategy of Policing
Gang Affiliation and Radicalization to Violent Extremism Within Somali-American Communities
Compstat and Organizational Change in the Lowell Police Department: Challenges and Opportunities
Problem-Oriented Policing, Deterrence, and Youth Violence: An Evaluation of Boston's Operation Ceasefire
Police Preventing Opiate Drug Overdose Deaths
Theft/Violence Ratio in Antebellum Boston
Did Ceasefire, Compstat, and Exile Reduce Homicide?
Police Data Base for a Small City/Town Implementing Community Oriented Policing
Perceptions of the Police by Female Victims of Domestic Partner Violence
Top Ten Types of Robbers Imprisoned in Massachusetts
Disrupting Illegal Firearms Markets in Boston: The Effects of Operation Ceasefire on the Supply of New Handguns to Criminals
Retail-Level Heroin Enforcement and Property Crime: A User's Guide to the Machine-Readable Files and Documentation and Codebook
Preventing Gun Violence: Understanding Law Enforcement Response and Improving Multi-disciplinary Partnerships for Peace
This Research for the Real World seminar explores common police practices for responding to gun violence and the extent to which they are contributing to reductions in violent incidents. The panel will also explore the role of multi-disciplinary partners such as the public health sector in reducing gun violence, and discuss promising practices for law enforcement partnerships to leverage complimentary violence reduction efforts.
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