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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Law enforcement

NIJ FY17 Research and Evaluation in Safety, Health and Wellness in the Criminal Justice System

Closing Date

The purpose of this solicitation is to promote multidisciplinary research in the area of safety, health, and wellness for the criminal justice community in support of the NIJ Safety, Health, and Wellness Strategic Research Plan 2016-2021. Applicants should submit proposals that address one of the three categories identified below. Application titles should clearly indicate the category proposed. Each category aligns with specific objectives within the...

NIJ FY17 Understanding the Impacts of Policing Strategies and Practices (Beyond Crime Reduction)

Closing Date
With this solicitation, NIJ seeks applications for funding research and/or evaluation projects to examine the impacts of policing strategies and practices using outcome measures that consider crime reduction as well as other possible positive and negative impacts on individuals, neighborhoods, communities, and the policing organizations. NIJ will accept proposals to assess strategies and practices that focus on place (where crime occurs) or the individual-level, such...

NIJ FY17 Research on Reducing Violence in Communities

Closing Date

This solicitation will focus on supporting research designed to build knowledge on what it takes to produce sustained community-level reductions in violence. Proposed studies should examine multiple factors, including but not limited to explicit violence prevention initiatives, that may play a role in preventing or reducing violence in a community for an extended period of time. Besides violence prevention initiatives, research should examine factors such...

Primer on Body Worn Camera Technologies

Date Published
November 2016
Publication Type
Report (Technical), Report (Technical Assistance), Report (Grant Sponsored), Instructional Material