Laboratory efficiency
Going All In – Laboratories With Completely Digital Systems
Hair Root Staining – What Can Hematoxylin Do for Your Laboratory?
NIJ and FBI Laboratory Partnership to Address Untested Sexual Assault Kits
NIJ and FBI Laboratory Partnership to Address Untested Sexual Assault Kits
Research on Forensic Toxicological Laboratory Testing and Reporting Practices
Research on Forensic Toxicological Laboratory Testing and Reporting Practices
Expanded Quantitative Cannabinoid Testing in Biological Specimens to Combat the Ever Changing Cannabis Landscape
Research and Evaluation for the Testing and Interpretation of Physical Evidence in Publicly Funded Forensic Laboratories, Fiscal Year 2020
Assessment of Sexual Assault Kit (SAK) Evidence Selection Leading to Development of SAK Evidence Machine-Learning Model (SAK-ML Model)
Building Forensic Capacity Post-Conflict: Lessons from Uganda
Strengthening the Medical Examiner - Coroner System Program, FY 2019
In fiscal 2020, all state and local forensic capacity enhancement programs previously managed by NIJ moved to the Bureau of Justice Assistance.
The awards made under this solicitation now are being managed by the Bureau of Justice Assistance. To see the complete list of awards, visit the Bureau of Justice Assistance.
There is an extreme shortage of board-certified forensic pathologists in the United...
Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence - Inventory, Tracking, and Reporting, FY 2019
In fiscal 2020, all state and local forensic capacity enhancement programs previously managed by NIJ moved to the Bureau of Justice Assistance.
The awards made under this solicitation now are being managed by the Bureau of Justice Assistance. To see the complete list of awards, visit the Bureau of Justice Assistance.
NIJ seeks applications from eligible States and units of local government that...
A Paradigm Shift in Forensic Toxicology Screening: The Development and Validation of Two Automated Sample Preparation Techniques for the Comprehensive Screening of Biological Matrices Using High Resol
Novel Quantitation Workflow for Improved Drug Surveillance
Evaluation of Massively Parallel Sequencing Technology for Routine Forensic Casework
Increasing Safety, Speed, Sensitivity, and Selectivity of Controlled Substance Analysis
Transition to Impact: Bringing Research to Practice
NIJ FY18 Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence-Inventory, Tracking, and Reporting Program (SAFE-ITR)
In fiscal 2020, all state and local forensic capacity enhancement programs previously managed by NIJ moved to the Bureau of Justice Assistance.
The awards made under this solicitation now are being managed by the Bureau of Justice Assistance. To see the complete list of awards, visit the Bureau of Justice Assistance.
The program will fund States, units of local government, and tribal governments...
NIJ FY18 Research and Evaluation for the Testing and Interpretation of Physical Evidence in Publicly Funded Forensic Laboratories
With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals for research and evaluation projects that will: 1. Identify and inform the forensic community of best practices through the evaluation of existing laboratory protocols; and 2. Have a direct and immediate impact on laboratory efficiency and assist in making laboratory policy decisions. The intent of this program is to direct the findings of the research and evaluation toward the...