International terrorism
Terrorism Within Comparative International Context
Microfabrication process and characteristic testing of a MEMS-based preconcentrator
Research on Terrorism and Countering Terrorism (From Crime and Justice: A Review of Research, Volume 38, P 413-477, 2009, Michael Tonry, ed., - See NCJ-242171)
Application of the Social Learning Theory to Domestic Terrorist Recruitment
Research and Evaluation on Domestic Radicalization to Violent Extremism: Research to Support Exit USA
Advancing Understanding, and Informing Prevention of Public Mass Shootings: Findings from NIJ Funded Studies, Part 1
In recent years, NIJ invested in several research projects to advance understanding and inform prevention of public mass shootings.
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Geospatial and Temporal Patterns of Preparatory Conduct Among American Terrorists
Interagency Coordination in Response to Terrorism: Promising Practices and Barriers Identified in Four Countries
Turbulent Nexus of Transnational Organised Crime and Terrorism: A Theory of Malevolent International Relations
Creating a Data Archive to Facilitate Research on Understanding and Responding to Terrorism (From Understanding Terrorism: Analysis of Sociological and Psychological Aspects, P 306--317, 2007, Suleyman Ozeren, Ismail Dincer Gunes, et al., -- See NCJ-225410)
Terrorism, Risk, and Legislation
Phenomenon of Palestinian Suicide Terrorism
The Future of Terrorism
Palestinian Women in Terrorism: Protectors or Protected?
Prosecution and Punishment of International Terrorist in Federal Courts: 1980-1998
Crimes Committed by Terrorist Groups: Theory, Research, and Prevention
Terrorism Studies: Finding and Applying the Best Research - Panel at the 2009 NIJ Conference
The Role of Social Media in the Evolution of Al-Qaeda Inspired Terrorism
Radicalization and Violent Extremism - Lessons Learned From Canada, the U.K. and the U.S. Meeting Summary, July 28-30, 2015
Radicalization on the Internet: Virtual Extremism in the US from 2012-2017
Radicalization on the Internet: Virtual Extremism in the US from 2012-2017
Terrorism Research Before and After 9/11
In this interview conducted at the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Conference 2011, Gary LaFree, Ph.D., Director of the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism, University of Maryland, discusses the state of domestic and transnational terrorism research in the social and behavioral sciences prior to and following September 11, 2011.
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