Geographic information systems (GIS)
Forensic Microbiome Database: A Tool for Forensic Geolocation Meta-Analysis Using Publicly Available 16S rRNA Microbiome Sequencing
Improving Age-at-Death Estimates from Human Skeletal Remains Through Spatial Analysis of Intracortical Remodeling Using Geographic Information Systems Software
Nuclear, Chloroplast, and Mitochondrial Data of a US Cannabis DNA Database
New Method for Measuring Human Decomposition Could Significantly Impact Medicolegal Death Investigations
Improving postmortem interval estimation with standardized and simplified protocols could significantly impact medicolegal death investigations by providing more accurate and reliable data for determining time since death.
Special Report Safe Schools: A Technology Primer
Technological Approaches to Controlling Random Gunfire: Results of a Gunshot Detection System Field Test
Simulation for Theory Testing and Experimentation: An Example Using Routine Activity Theory and Street Robbery
Geospatial Technology Helps East Orange Crack Down on Crime
Assessing the Long-Term Impact of Focused Deterrence in New Orleans: A Documentation of Changes in Homicides and Firearm Recoveries
Computerized Reconstruction of Fragmentary Skeletal Remains
Harmonizing Police Technology Acquisitions with Policing Strategy
Researchers found that a complex and varied set of factors typically drives police technology acquisition decisions—but often the department’s policing philosophy or strategy is not one of them.