Forensic sciences
Identification of Features for Enzymatic Catalysis and Their Application Towards Enzyme Engineering
Computational Methods for the Interpretation of Forensic DNA Samples
The Collection, Preservation, and Processing of DNA Samples from Decomposing Human Remains for More Direct Disaster Victim Identification (DVI)
Development and Evaluation of miRNA and mRNA Panels for Body Fluid Identification
Characterizing the Natural Genetic and Epigenetic Diversity of Human Populations
Further Development of Raman Spectroscopy for Body Fluid Investigation: Forensic Identification, Limit of Detection, and Donor Characterization
Raman Spectroscopy and Chemometrics for Forensic Bloodstain Analysis: Species Differentiation, Donor Age Estimation, and Dating of Bloodstains
Neuro-physiological Underpinnings of User-centered Security
Targeted-Ion Mass Spectrometry for the Identification of Forensically Relevant Biological Fluids and Samples from Sexual Assault Evidence
Flashforward: The Current and Future Applications of Vibrational Spectroscopy for Forensic Purposes
Post-burn and Post-blast Rapid Detection of Trace and Bulk Energetics by 3D-printed Cone Spray Ionization Mass Spectrometry
Computational methods for the interpretation of forensic DNA samples
Physical and Biochemical Factors Affecting the Recovery and Analysis of DNA from Human Skeletal Remains
A Virtual Anthropological Approach to the Study of Commingled Human Remains
Use of Canines to Solve Crime
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Frye, Daubert, and PCAST: Countering Admissibility Challenges
This training was presented as a part of the National Center on Forensics conference at George Mason University on August 8th, 20
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Mental Health and Wellness: Challenges Faced by Pathologists
This training was presented as a part of the National Center on Forensics conference at George Mason University on August 8th, 2023. In this session, Board Certified Pathologist and Medical Director Marissa Saint Martin discusses the challenges that pathologists often face in regard to mental health, specifically burnout.
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Crime Scene Analysis
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Advanced Crime Scene Analysis
George Mason University and the National Association of Attorneys General presents the National Center on Forensics Continued Training Plan
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DNA 101
This training was presented as a part of the National Center on Forensics conference at George Mason University on August 8th, 2023. In this session, FBI Forensic DNA Examiner Amanda Bakker introduces all the most vital concepts of DNA analysis and evidence. For those who aren’t DNA analysts but work in tangential fields such as law enforcement and criminal justice, this session will be incredibly useful for understanding topics such as what DNA is, how it transfers, how it is collected, and how it is analyzed.
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