Federal Legislation
National Motor Vehicle Title Information System Cost-Benefit Analysis
Firearms Regulation: A Historical Overview (From Crime and Justice: A Review of Research, Volume 28, P 137-195, 2001, Michael Tonry, ed. -- See NCJ-192542)
Research Into Action: The Approach of the National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
Compendium of National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Pamphlets
Fingerprint Sourcebook - Chapter 13: Fingerprints and the Law
Deportable Aliens Released From the Los Angeles County Jail: A Comparison of 1990, 1995, and 2002 Release Cohorts
Environmental and Institutional Influences on Police Agency Responses to Human Trafficking
Implementing NAGPRA Connecting Medical Examiner and Coroner Offices to Tribal Partners
This project is designed to connect tribal partners to ME/C offices to facilitate successful disposition protocols for non-forensically significant Native American remains that are compliant with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990 (NAGPRA).
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The Only Thing Constant is Change: A Longitudinal Analysis of Race, Gender, and District-Level Effects in Federal Sentencing, 1998 - 2016
The Changing Boundaries Between Federal and Local Law Enforcement
Local Law Enforcement Needs Federal Support
Examining the Sustainability of Pattern or Practice Police Misconduct Reform
Debating DNA Collection
The Fight Against Human Trafficking
Labeling Automobile Parts to Combat Thefts
White Collar Crime
The subprime mortgage industry collapse has led to a record number of foreclosures. In this environment, the interest mortgage fraud has risen, along with questions of how fraud contributed to the crisis. Henry Pontell and Sally Simpson discuss what they have learned about investigating and prosecuting white-collar criminals, the role of corporate ethics in America, and what policymakers and lawyers can learn from evidence of fraud.
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