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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Equipment and technology

NIJ FY24 Research and Evaluation on the Impact of Technologies for Forensic Science Applications

Closing Date
Grants.gov Deadline
Application JustGrants Deadline
With this solicitation, NIJ seeks applications for funding for proposals to study how adopted technologies with a forensic science application impact criminal justice systems, how the implementation of forensic laboratory programs or practices broadly effect outcomes, and how changes in policies adapt the use of forensic evidence. NIJ seeks rigorous evaluations of the implementation of technologies, methods, or workflow processes to understand the impact on...

Standards and Conformity Assessment for Criminal Justice Restraints

Restraints are critical pieces of equipment carried by law enforcement, corrections, and court officers. To help ensure that restraints meet minimal requirements, the National Institute of Justice published NIJ Standard 1001.00, Criminal Justice Restraints (pdf, 66 pages) in 2014 and Revision A in 2019 (pdf, 62 pages).[1]

Standard 1001.00 specifies the minimum requirements for form and fit, performance, testing, documentation, and labeling of...

Specification for NIJ Ballistic Protection Levels and Associated Test Threats, NIJ Standard 0123.00

NIJ has released an addendum to the standard. The addendum is available in two versions, each includes the same information:

This addendum includes revisions to NIJ Standard 0123.00, Specification for NIJ Ballistic Protection Levels and...

NIJ FY23 Criminal Justice Technology Testing and Evaluation Center

Closing Date
Grants.gov Deadline
Application JustGrants Deadline

With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals to host a Criminal Justice Technology Testing and Evaluation Center. The Center will provide testing, evaluation, and other activities to support the safety, effectiveness, efficiency, and efficacy of technologies in use or adaptable by criminal justice and juvenile justice communities. The Center will inform NIJ’s research and development efforts as well as NIJ’s stakeholders, including criminal justice practitioners, policymakers...

Criminal Justice Testing and Evaluation Consortium

The Criminal Justice Testing and Evaluation Consortium (CJTEC) uses research-based methodologies to enhance the capabilities of law enforcement, courts, and corrections agencies, and act as an honest broker for the nation’s criminal justice practitioners to provide objective and rigorous testing and evaluation of existing technologies, policies, and practices.

CJTEC provides four key assets in collaboration with the National Institute of Justice:

  • Technology Foraging: CJTEC monitors...

NIJ FY06 Modeling and Simulation Research and Development: Software for Improved Operations, Operational Modeling, Speech-to-Text Recognition, and Training Technologies

Closing Date

NIJ is seeking concept papers on the following topics: 1. Software to improve the performance of law enforcement and corrections operations (e.g., resources allocation and command and control tools). 2. Immersive technologies for training of public safety officers. 3. Use of speech-to-text/text-to-speech recognition in public safety. 4. Model and analysis of criminal justice agencies’ operations, including police, corrections, or court operations or linkages between them.

Graduate Research Fellowship, Fiscal Year 2020

Closing Date
The Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) program provides grants to accredited academic institutions to support outstanding doctoral students whose dissertation research is relevant to criminal justice.