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Drive by shootings

NIJ FY22 Research and Evaluation of Services for Victims of Crime

Closing Date
Grants.gov Deadline
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In collaboration with the Office for Victims of Crime, NIJ seeks applications for rigorous research and evaluation projects in three categories: 1) Evaluation of Programs that Provide Services for Victims of Crime; 2) Research on Supporting Victims of Community Violence; and 3) Financial Costs of Crime Victimization. As it concerns the second category, NIJ is especially interested in studies that examine strategies and practices to...

Speech to the New York University Alumni Association "Crime Statistics -- Good News or Bad News?"

Thank you.

I would like to talk to you about youth violence. Youth violence is one of those issues that generates overheated debate. Some commentators warn that we are facing a "bloodbath" as the next birth cohort enters the crime-prone years. Some describe a generation of remorseless "superpredators" unlike any young criminals we have seen before. On the other end of the spectrum, commentators of...

Speech to the Citizens Crime Commission of New York City

"New Approaches to Juvenile Violence"

Thank you.

This is a special honor for me to appear before the Citizens Crime Commission, and to share the podium with Congressman Schumer. Throughout his tenure in the Congress, and particularly as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Congressman Schumer has been a staunch advocate for crime control policies that rise above ideological debates to appeal to the...

Speech at the 1997 Meeting of the International Scientific and Professional Advisory Council of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Program

National and Comparative Perspectives on Juvenile Violence

Dear Colleagues:

I am deeply honored by the invitation to address this international conference and wish to express my gratitude to the Executive Committee of ISPAC and its Chairman, Dr. Gerhard O.W. Mueller, and to its organizer, Prof. Alex Schmidt, for extending the invitation. The topic that this conference intends to address could not be more timely. In...