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Domestic radicalization

Director's Message: Identifying Alternatives to Exclusionary School Disciplinary Practices

"...it is imperative that we have effective ways of dealing with students’ behavior problems that do not disproportionately impact students of color."

NIJ is committed to investing in developing knowledge to improve the safety of schools. Schools across the U.S. are rightfully concerned about creating and maintaining a safe and stable environment that is conducive to student learning. Educators and policymakers have expressed concern that...

Research and Evaluation on Terrorism Prevention, FY 2019

Closing Date

The Domestic Radicalization and Terrorism program strives to better understand the primary drivers of radicalization and what can be done to prevent or intervene during the radicalization process through programmatic efforts. In FY2019, NIJ will emphasize an interest in evaluations of new and existing demonstration programs to prevent terrorism. NIJ will encourage applicants to submit projects which conduct phased, comparative and multi-site programmatic evaluations, help...

NIJ FY18 Research and Evaluation on Prevention and Mitigation of Domestic Pathways to Terrorism

Closing Date

The Domestic Radicalization and Terrorism program strives to better understand the primary drivers of radicalization and what can be done to prevent or intervene during the radicalization process through programmatic efforts. In FY2018, NIJ will emphasize an interest in evaluations of new and existing demonstration programs to prevent terrorism (by way of de-radicalization and disengagement). NIJ will encourage applicants to submit projects which conduct comparative...

Research at the National Institute of Justice — Prepared Remarks Welcoming Attendees to NIJ Day at ASC 2017

Good morning! My name is David Muhlhausen and I am the director of the National Institute of Justice. It is my pleasure to welcome you to NIJ Day at ASC, for panels to discuss timely NIJ-funded research regarding firearms, human trafficking, school safety, and the impacts of body-worn cameras.

In line with the priorities of the Attorney General, NIJ is committed to funding research to...

NIJ FY17 Research and Evaluation on Domestic Radicalization to Violent Extremism

Closing Date

The Domestic Radicalization to Violent Extremism (DRVE) program addresses three major questions: (1) What are the primary drivers of radicalization to violent extremism, and how do they vary across cohorts (e.g., by grievance, by age, by socioeconomic categories)? (2) How is radicalization to violent extremism analogous to other forms of extreme violence, such as mass casualty events and gangs? (3) What policy choices and/or programmatic...