Data analysis
Estimating the Impact of Research Practitioner Partnerships on Evidence-based Program Implementation
Validating the National Violent Death Reporting System as a Source of Data on Fatal Shootings of Civilians by Law Enforcement Officers
Dynamic Interaction Network Inference From Longitudinal Microbiome Data
FBI subaward to NIST project GOJPNIJ24000016 "Comparison of Examiner Conclusions with Score-based Likelihood Ratios for Cartridge Case Evidence
3D data processing with advanced computer graphics tools
Embodying Evidence to Action: Tracking the Impact of Three Key NIJ Research Investments; Opening Plenary of the 2023 NIJ Research Conference
This plenary featured three significant areas of NIJ research investment that have had a tremendous impact on both the research community and the field of practice: advances in forensic DNA, police body armor standards, and place-based analyses of public safety. Each topic was explored by a collection of people representing the researcher, practitioner, policymaker, and advocacy perspectives, exploring how evidence generation resulted in changes that improved public safety and yielded more equitable criminal justice outcomes.
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An Experimental Evaluation on the Utility of Burglary Profiles Applied in Active Police Investigations
Low Prosecution Rates in Sexual Assault Cases: Can We Make Sustainable Improvements?
Campus Sexual Assault Responses (CSAR): Informing Trauma-Informed Policies, Protocols, and Training
Sexual violence is a significant criminal justice problem with long-term effects for its victims. In particular, sexual assault on or related to college campuses across the United States presents a growing public health and economic burden, starting with significant impacts on academic outcomes.
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Redefining Trauma-Informed Assessments for Teen Dating Violence: An Introduction to the VIP Study
Mandates for risk assessment protocols to be trauma-informed are now common across juvenile justice and school settings. However, there is little direction on how to best translate this mandate into evidence-based screening and assessment tools. This presentation will describe the theoretical model underpinning the Vulnerability, Impairment, and Promotive factors (VIP) Study, which seeks to offer an alternative to existing risk assessment approaches in vulnerable adolescents.
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Increasing Rigorous Evaluation of Interventions to Reduce Gender-based Violence Victimization
The Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (VAWA) and its re-authorizations mandated several research efforts that stimulated a dramatic enhancement to violence against women research supported by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ). This legislation has supported federal, state, local, and private partners in implementing policies and programs and conducting research directly related to gender-based violence. However, questions remain about the effectiveness of those mandates. This brown bag will discuss the gaps and challenges to evaluating gender-based violence interventions.
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Population and Subgroup Differences in the Prevalence and Predictors of Campus Sexual Assault
This webinar presents preliminary findings from a secondary data analysis study using the Haven Online Campus Sexual Assault Prevention program data. The scope and scale of the data used in this study allow for the examination and generalization of findings across contexts and behaviors and may help identify student populations in greatest need of services and resources.
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Gender-Based Violence and the Latinx Community
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Gender-Based Violence and American Indian and Alaska Native Communities
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