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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Criminal justice systems

NIJ FY 08 Operations Research Applied to the Criminal Justice System: Invited Full Proposals

Closing Date

NIJ seeks applications to research, develop, and demonstrate operations research models and methods that enable law enforcement and corrections agencies to increase the effectiveness, efficiency, and safety of their operations and to improve the judicial process. Proposed models and methods must identify and account for legal, cultural, and social factors that may affect the adoption and use of new technologies, practices, and procedures by criminal...

Research Informing Policy: What If We Took This Idea Seriously?

I am very honored to be here, and particularly to be asked to address the challenging topic of the relationship between research and policy in the area of criminal justice and drug treatment.

Coming to this conference in Los Angeles, I reflected on the conference that many of us attended in April, 1997, in New Orleans on a similar topic. I distinctly recall that there...

Speech to National Corrections Conference on Substance Abuse Testing, Sanctions and Treatment

Framing the National Agenda: a Research and Policy Perspective

I am very pleased and honored to be with you this morning. In fact, I am in awe of the level of expertise and commitment that is represented in this audience. Larry Meachum and his colleagues at the Corrections Program Office are to be commended for gathering together the right people, with the right expertise, at...