Crime control programs
Organized Crime in the United States: A Review of the Public Record
Relations Between Criminal Investigation Strategy and Police Management
NIJ Research Review, Vol. 1, No. 1, (March 2000)
First Annual Report of the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration
Process and Outcome Evaluation of an Agricultural Crime Prevention Initiative
Effects of Directed Patrol and Self-Initiated Enforcement on Firearm Violence: A Randomized Controlled Study of Hot Spot Policing
Policing Career Criminals - An Examination of an Innovative Crime Control Program
Assessment of the Impact of Quality-of-Life Policing on Crime and Disorder
Impact of Order-Maintenance Policing on New York City Homicide and Robbery Rates: 1988-2001
Resource Manual on Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
New Model for Institutionalizing Problem Analysis in Police Agencies
Growth of Compstat in American Policing
Place as the Focal Point: Developing a Theory for the DDACTS Model
Irony of Broken Windows Policing: A Micro-Place Study of the Relationship Between Disorder, Focused Police Crackdowns and Fear of Crime
Gang Membership and Criminal Processing: A Test of the "Master Status" Concept
Implementing DDACTS in Baltimore County: Using Geographic Incident Patterns to Deploy Enforcement
Communities, Crime, and Neighborhood Organization
Policing Drug Hot Spots: The Jersey City Drug Market Analysis Experiment
Policing Drug Hot Spots
Criminology Against Crime: Criminologists and Crime Control for the Indianapolis Police Department
Geography and Public Safety: A Quarterly Bulletin of Applied Geography for the Study of Crime and Public Safety, Volume 2, Issue 3
Benefit-Cost Analysis for Crime Policy
How do we decide how to allocate criminal justice resources in a way that minimizes the social harms from both crime and policy efforts to control crime? How, for that matter, do we decide how much to spend on the criminal justice system and crime control generally, versus other pressing needs? These questions are at the heart of benefit-cost analysis.
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