Community involvement (juvenile delinquency prevention)
Building the Evidence Base
What is evidence-based research? Why is it important to measure program activities and impacts and what are some strategies to do so? How can research be used to support engagement and empowerment for historically marginalized and underserved communities? Find answers in an recorded discussion moderated by Linda A. Seabrook, Senior Counsel for Racial Justice & Equity for OJP, with a panel of distinguished experts in the field.
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Learning from Doing Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Second Chance Act Grant Program
Reauthorized in 2018, the Second Chance Act (SCA) aims to reduce recidivism and improve outcomes for people returning from state and federal prisons, local jails, and juvenile facilities through the provision of federal grants. During this panel, National Institute of Justice-funded researchers will detail two ongoing evaluations of the SCA grant program:
- An evaluation of the effectiveness of the SCA grant program per Title V of the First Step Act.
- A longitudinal examination of the long-term impacts of the SCA program.
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Multilevel Evaluation of Project Safe Neighborhoods
Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) is a DOJ-sponsored initiative to reduce violent crime, particularly gun crime, by fostering cooperation by criminal justice agencies and local partners to develop and implement strategic approaches.
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Bullying Prevention and Response - Breakout Session, NIJ Virtual Conference on School Safety
On February 16-18, 2021, the National Institute of Justice hosted the Virtual Conference on School Safety: Bridging Research to Practice to Safeguard Our Schools. This video includes the following presentations:
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Dual System Youth: At the Intersection of Child Maltreatment and Delinquency
Across the country, child welfare and juvenile justice systems now recognize that youth involved in both systems (i.e., dual system youth) are a vulnerable population who often go unrecognized because of challenges in information-sharing and cross system collaboration. In light of these challenges, national incidence rates of dual system youth are not known.
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Youth Trauma Experiences and the Path From Child Welfare to Juvenile Justice
Resource Manual on Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
Addressing Program Fidelity Using Onsite Observations and Program Provider Descriptions of Program Delivery
Implementation of Prisoner Reentry Programs: Findings From the Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative Multi-Site Evaluation
Reducing Disorder, Fear, and Crime in Public Housing: An Evaluation of a Drug Crime Elimination Program in Spokane, Washington
Community Policing in Chicago, Years Five and Six: An Interim Report, 1998
Community Policing Activities: The Ohio Task Analysis Project
Doing Research in Public Housing: Implementation Issues From Philadelphia's 11th Street Corridor Community Policing Program
Problem Solving To Reduce Gang and Drug-Related Violence in Indianapolis (From Policing Gangs and Youth Violence, P 77-101, 2003, Scott H. Decker, ed. -- See NCJ-201783)
Citizen Reactions to Community Policing, Final Report
Community Policing in Chicago, Years Five and Six: An Interim Report, 1999
TECHBeat, October 2018
Evaluation of the Innovations in Community-Based Crime Reduction (CBCR) Program: Executive Summary and Final Report
The State of the Police Field: A New Professionalism in Policing?
Panelists debate the premise of a Harvard Executive Session working paper that suggests police organizations are striving for a "new" professionalism. Leaders are endeavoring for stricter standards of efficiency and conduct, while also increasing their legitimacy to the public and encouraging innovation. Is this new? Will this idea lead to prematurely discarding community policing as a guiding philosophy?
Familial DNA Searching: Issues and Answers
Familial DNA searching is the practice of creating new investigative leads in cases where DNA evidence found at the scene of a crime strongly resembles that of an existing DNA profile but is not an exact match. Panelists will explain how the technology works, provide examples of successful convictions obtained through familial searches, and discuss the various misconceptions and concerns regarding this practice.
Gang Membership Prevention
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and NIJ collaborated on a book that focuses on promising principles for gang membership prevention. This NIJ Conference Panel discusses the risk and protective factors that influence gang membership as well as efforts to reduce such factors. Panelists also explored the direction of gang research for the future.
What Works in Probation and Parole
How can we prevent reoffending and reduce costs? Research points to a number of solutions. At the Tuesday plenary, Judge Steven Alm from Hawaii will describe his successes with hard-core drug offenders. “Swift and sure” is his motto. West Virginia Cabinet Secretary James W. Spears will discuss the issues from his state's perspective, and Adam Gelb, Director of the Pew Charitable Trust's Public Safety Performance Project, will lend a national overview.