This is the fifth report on Chicago's community policing program, evaluating efforts since release of the previous report in November 1997.
The report examines the goals of the program, the activities of the organizers and some of their problems, and reviews some of the larger programmatic issues. In addition, it describes citizen involvement in the Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy (CAPS), the participants, CAPS activists and views of police. A section on building collective efficacy through Community Policing features the Community Mobilization Project; getting residents involved; organizational structure; resident views and community capacity; problems in organizing and evaluation questions. In addition, the report examines the methodology of implementing a citywide program; beat teamwork and problem solving; other key program components; district management teamwork and planning; community partnerships; community involvement in regulating liquor licensing; housing court and the law department; and the Department of Administrative Hearings. Figures, tables
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