Adolescent victims
School Climate Moderates the Association Between Sexual Harassment and Student Well-Being
Associations of Bullying and Sexual Harassment With Student Well-Being Indicators
"Most False Reports Involve Teens": Officer Attitudes Toward Teenage Sexual Assault Complainants-A Qualitative Analysis
Older Opposite-Sex Romantic Partners, Sexual Risk, and Victimization in Adolescence
Correlates of and Consequences for Bully-Victims in a Sample of Serious Adolescent Offenders
Heterogeneous Effects of Adolescent Violent Victimization on Problematic Outcomes in Early Adulthood
From the Inside Out: Efforts by Homeless Women to Disrupt Cycles of Crime and Violence
May Piece Be with You: A Typological Examination of the Fear and Victimization Hypothesis of Adolescent Weapon Carrying
Parenting Profiles and Adolescent Dating Relationship Abuse: Attitudes and Experiences
School Health Center Intervention for Abusive Adolescent Relationships: A Cluster RCT
Developing Recruitment Methods for Vulnerable, Traumatized Adolescents: A Feminist Evaluation Approach
Comprehensive Measure of Youth Experiences with Bias Victimization: Findings from the Youth Bias Victimization Questionnaire (YBVQ)
The Neurobiology of Sexual Assault: Implications for Law Enforcement, Prosecution, and Victim Advocacy
Dr. Campbell brings together research on the neurobiology of trauma and the criminal justice response to sexual assault. She explains the underlying neurobiology of traumatic events, its emotional and physical manifestation, and how these processes can impact the investigation and prosecution of sexual assaults. Real-world, practical implications are examined for first responders, such as law enforcement, nurses, prosecutors, and advocates.
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Anogenital and Physical Injuries in Adolescent Sexual Assault Patients: The Role of Victim-Offender Relationship, Alcohol Use, and Memory Impairment
Injury Evidence, Biological Evidence, and Prosecution of Sexual Assault
"Nobody Deserves This": Adolescent Sexual Assault Victims' Perceptions of Disbelief and Victim Blame From Police
Trafficking in Persons Summary of Focus Group Discussion, April 2001
Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Examination Research Forum: Summary of Research Questions Identified
Summary Report: Dating Violence Among Latino Adolescents - II (DAVILA - II) Study
Understanding Teen Dating Violence; Peggy Giordano, Ph.D.
Dr. Peggy Giordano discusses her research on what characterizes teen dating violence and how it changes over time. Dr. Giordano also talks about how conflict over key areas within a relationship can increase the risk of violence.
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