Adolescent pregnancy
Dual System Youth: At the Intersection of Child Maltreatment and Delinquency
Across the country, child welfare and juvenile justice systems now recognize that youth involved in both systems (i.e., dual system youth) are a vulnerable population who often go unrecognized because of challenges in information-sharing and cross system collaboration. In light of these challenges, national incidence rates of dual system youth are not known.
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RASA, A Recombinant Single-Chain Variable Fragment (scFv) Antibody Directed Against the Human Sperm Surface: Implications for Noval Contraceptives
Male Genital Tract-Specific Carbohydrate Epitope on Human CD52: Implications for Immunocontraception
Homicide in the United States
The 2009 NIJ Conference kicked off with a blue-ribbon panel of leaders with expertise in urban issues as they relate to homicide. These experts will discuss promising approaches that have resulted in reduced violence and community empowerment.