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Panelists from "Improving Victim Contact and Criminal Justice Response: The Impact of Law Enforcement and Victim Assistance Training" at the NIJ 2023 Research Conference, Bradley Campbell, Cortney Franklin, Rebecca Campbell, and Jesenia Alonso


Jesenia Alonso, from the International Association of Chiefs of Police, presents as part of the panel "Improving Victim Contact and Criminal Justice Response: The Impact of Law Enforcement and Victim Assistance Training." Persuading victims to engage with law enforcement can be challenging, as victims may have various reasons for not wanting to report a crime or cooperate with an investigation. This makes the training of criminal justice professionals on trauma-informed approaches, cultural competencies, and evidence-based practices essential to improving the criminal justice response to crime victims. This panel highlighted three studies examining the impact of training on criminal justice personnel.

Left to right: Bradley Campbell, Cortney Franklin, Rebecca Campbell, and Jesenia Alonso