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Exhibit 1, "Decline in Youth in Residential Placement," from the article "Advancing the Collection of Juvenile Justice Data"


From the article "Advancing the Collection of Juvenile Justice Data," February 22, 2021.

Note: Relative declines from 1997 to 2019 were greater for committed youth (72%) than for detained youth (49%). Total includes detained youth, committed youth, and a small number of youth in placement as part of a diversion agreement. The Census was conducted on the following dates (month/year): 10/1997, 10/1999, 10/2001, 10/2003, 02/2006, 10/2007, 02/2010, 10/2011, 10/2013, 10/2015, 10/2017, and 10/2019.

Juveniles in Residential Placement, 2019
Count Detained Committed Diversion Other/unknown Total
1997 28,040 75,406 1,248 361 105,055
1999 28,576 77,835 611 471 107,493
2001 27,346 76,262 569 42 104,219
2003 26,170 68,982 1,318 61 96,531
2006 26,238 64,532 1,864 87 92,721
2007 24,868 60,412 1,492 42 86,814
2010 20,579 48,428 1,735 51 70,793
2011 19,014 41,934 464 11 61,423
2013 17,803 35,659 644 42 54,148
2015 15,816 31,487 564 176 48,043
2017 15,660 26,972 455 493 43,580
2019 14,344 21,141 500 494 36,479

Source: Sarah Hockenberry, Juveniles in Residential Placement, 2019, Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, In press.