NCJ Number
Date Published
December 2001
70 pages
This report of the development of Vermont's research capabilities for problem-oriented policing reviews the project objectives and comments on both accomplishment and shortcomings experienced in the effort to use incident-based crime data from Vermont's statewide law enforcement network for crime analysis and crime mapping.
At the time the project began, there was no systematic analysis of incident-based crime data or crime mapping being undertaken by the Vermont Department of Public Safety (DPS) or law enforcement agencies in the State. The first objective of the project was to develop a protocol and system for extracting crime data from the Vermont Incident-Based Reporting System (VIBRS) for subsequent crime analysis; this objective was accomplished. The second project objective was to develop SPSS programs for reading data in NIBRS format. This objective was also completed and has created the foundation from which subsequent analysis of incident-based crime data has been performed. A third goal of the project was to conduct and incorporate descriptive statistical analysis of the NIBRS data into a revised version of the annual Vermont Crime Report (VCR). Basic descriptive analyses of priorities were conducted and are attached to this report in updated format. A fourth objective of the project was to produce statewide and local maps of crime patterns, as derived from incident-based crime data. This aspect of the project was only realized in part, given an obstacle that proved significant and inhibited the ability to produce any detailed maps. The fifth project goal was to work with the DPS and related agencies to develop a plan for incorporating location codes into the VIBRS network and records management system. This aspect of the project became less central, since the DPS sits as one of nine members of the statewide E-911 Board and has been actively involved with the development of the E-911 system. The sixth project goal was to work closely with the DPS to identify and provide advice for analytical reports that could be generated through incident-based crime data. The project director worked closely with the Vermont Crime Information Center to discuss analysis and planning needs that could be met through the use of incident-based crime data. The final project goal was to disseminate reports about incident-based crime data analysis and mapping. This aspect of the project was achieved primarily through participation in the NIJ national evaluation conference, through presentation of the analyses, basic mapping procedures and attached reports at the Justice Research and Statistics Association annual conferences in 1996 and 2000, and through the Justice Research and Statistics Association web site. 11 references and appended NIBRS analysis examples
Date Published: December 1, 2001
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