Results are presented from a survey of large retail malls in their preparedness to prevent and respond to a terrorist attack in the United States after 9/11.
Results of the survey showed that while large retail malls have taken some steps to improve security, instruct personnel on antiterrorism training, and implement emergency management plans, half of the security directors reported that their terrorism preparedness was inadequate. Only 16 percent reported that there had been any change in security spending since 9/11 and less than a third had rehearsed for terrorist crises with public agency first responders, such as police and fire departments. Recognizing the importance of security in the retail sector, the 9/11 Commission determined that businesses have a duty to care about the security of their customers. This study addresses the degree to which malls have become better prepared to respond to terrorist attacks in the aftermath of 9/11. Results are presented from a national survey sample of 120 security directors of large retail malls over 250,000 square feet in the United States. The survey began in 2004 in two phases. Tables, figures, and references
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