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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

National Institute of Justice Annual Report 2006

NCJ Number
Date Published
August 2008
80 pages
This annual report describes the accomplishments and activities of the National Institute of Justice during fiscal year 2006.
During Fiscal Year (FY) 2006, the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) made 514 awards for research, development, and evaluation, with an active portfolio value of just over $1.1 billion. NIJ’s initiatives identify best practices; development performance standards and conduct compliance testing for law enforcement equipment; advance law enforcement technology; improve uses of DNA and forensic evidence; increase understanding about human trafficking; and help victims of rape, assault, and domestic violence. In 2006, NIJ-sponsored several initiatives in technological developments to increase communication and speed response to crime, such as a public-private partnership between Cisco Systems, the Danville Virginia Police Department, and NIJ to evaluate a device that lets officers communicate instantly across State lines and officers use of DNA analysis to investigate property crimes. In 2006, NIJ continued its efforts to support law enforcement and crime and justice professionals, increasing officers’ safety during pursuit and arrest, helping investigators combat terrorism and prosecute international criminals, and keeping the Nation safe from terrorist attacks. FY 2006 initiatives included: launching a study to examine deaths associated with conducted-energy devices (CEDs), also known as stun guns; awarding several grants to enhance research on international terrorism; laying the groundwork to examine research strategies and frameworks needed to improve policing in a post-9/11 world; and enhancing research on international terrorism. NIJ research about victims and victimization in 2006 addressed the needs of diverse and international populations, such as providing police training to assist deaf victims and victims with limited English proficiency. In 2006, NIJ requested the National Academy of Sciences to perform an evaluation of NIJ’s goals and operations with the expectations to expand and sharpen NIJ’s capacity to respond to crime and improve the criminal justice system. Appendixes A and B

Publication Type
Report (Annual/Periodic)

Date Published: August 1, 2008