This article reviews findings from the National Academy of Science (NAS) report, presented at the Forensic Death Investigation Symposium, which provided a review of forensic sciences and in particular issues related to the improvement of the forensic death investigation system.
In the National Academy of Science (NAS) 2009 report, Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward, NAS states that death investigations in the United States rely on a patchwork of coroners and medical examiners and that these vary greatly in the quality of services provided. The Forensic Death Investigation Symposium, convened by the National Institute of Justice and National Center for Forensic Science, held discussions on the field's current and future needs many of which were highlighted in the NAS report. One controversial section of the NAS report, generating symposium discussion, calls for the elimination of coroner systems. In addition, symposium participates discussed ways to help identify solutions for improving death investigations, both current and future needs. 2 notes
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